To me, the prospect of being a father was not only a cause for happiness and joy but also worry. 

Being a person with a farsighted vision, I want my child to have a secure financial future even before she’s born. After personally going through crises and hard times, I don’t want my child to experience the same. 

The best thing a parent can do for their children is not to give them fish but rather to teach them how to fish. Education will be my best inheritance to my children instead of assets or material things. I don’t know if they will follow all my lessons or be interested in learning them. But as a parent, I feel it’s my duty to teach them. 

After going through so much in life, I thought I had learned some valuable lessons and wanted to pass them to my children. These kinds of lessons that one learns after facing a series of hardships are precious and need to be passed on. 

I’ve always considered these concepts I had learned as secrets, which I thought I would only share with my children. I did not want to share my concepts with anybody else, as they were the fruits of my huge sacrifices and hard work. Such secrets are meant to be shared only with my family and loved ones and kept from the outside world. 

This is what Indian parents would do: they will never share any secret knowledge with others. But I thought differently. 

I thought that sharing these concepts with the world would be a good way of giving back to society what it has given me.

That said, I’ve written this book to help people all around the world by teaching them my concepts so that they, too, can have a secure financial future for themselves and their families. 



Copyright 2020 Invest and Grow Rich